Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Joe Walsh Scores 500th Goal, Stevens Stops by to Celebrate

Joe Walsh (R) and Joe Stevens (Glasses) Celebrate Recently

Toronto, Ontario, Canada - It took awhile but Joe Walsh finally has his 500th career goal. Walsh plays on the Tony's Pizza and Pest Control Rangers in the GTA Hockey League and got a surprise visit from old friend Joe Stevens who was in town doing some promotional work for the Bonny River Ratz. Stevens was participating in the "Burn Out with your Buddies" Program that allows under-privileged kids in the GTA who don't have lawnmowers and still want to light up the tires. Walsh was involved in the charity and got Stevens involved and it has been a big hit.

Walsh noted, "To score 500 goals is a big thrill for me. To have somebody like Joe Stevens take time out to come celebrate is phenomenal. Stevens is one of my all-time heroes; him and Taylor. They really showed me a lot. The Ratz have really helped these kids too. Without them, they would never have known what it's like to light up the tires on a lawnmower, so that's pretty special."

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