Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cunningham Confirms Ratz Will Be at Ball Hockey Tournament

Joe Stevens "Down in the Dumps"
Geoff Cunningham at Hockey Voice Press Conference

Blacks Harbour, NB - In what Geoff Cunningham terms as "a very significant positive jolt of credibility" it was announced today that several of the Bonny River Ratz will be in attendance this coming weekend at the Fundy Arena for the big ball hockey tournament.
Cunningham added, "I have confirmation that superstars Mark Taylor and Joe Stevens will be on hand along with special guests. They will be made available to the public at some point in time for a meet and greet. Their handlers aren't giving me much more detail than that and I apologize for that. People have to remember these are the RATZ for crying out loud. They will be signing sticks and shirts and some pictures will be allowed. I haven't heard of anything about a supposed list of approved photographers. I think that's something that perhaps Josh Bagley or Matty Walsh started. These guys are extremely jealous individuals and really have to get over it."

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