Monday, January 25, 2010

Walsh warns Timberwolves

"Look out! We're right in the rear view mirror!"
Kingfishers GM Matty Walsh

Blacks Harbour, NB - Kingfishers General Manager Matty Walsh warns the rival Blacks Harbour Timberwolves that his squad has not given up on first place yet. "I heard first the Timberwolves beat the Ratz 8-1 last night and then I heard it was 8-7 and the ref called some kind of greasy penalty on Taylor late in the game when the outcome was still in question. Then I heard it two of our boys reffing and I became infuriated. Being the recognizable player in the league with almost 900 goals shouldn't stop Taylor though. I don't know really what happened but have a feeling Levesque and Dugas must have pulled some kind of a stunt again. The actually screw their socks on, they're so crooked - cross-threaded too," added Walsh.

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