Saturday, January 29, 2011

Things the fans want to read

The local area is a hotbed of really thought provoking and nice sayings that we at the Hockey Voice felt was worth reporting on so people throughout the globe can get in on this shit.

"Take a flying fuck off rolling donut!"
"Take a flying fuck off galloping goose!"
"I used to have a shirt like that, and then the old man got a job."
"Any men's clothes where you got that shirt?"
"Here, I'll give you a big cup of fuck right off!"
""If I wanted any shit from you, I'd squeeze your head."
"I'd like to kick that thing in the nuts and break its fingers."
"She's so fucking ugly the tide wouldn't take her out."

There's many more and we will strive to capture them and bring them to you in a timely manner. This is but a few, grasshopper.

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