Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Walsh: "Taylor was sensational, a true treasure!"

Joe Walsh reviews Taylor's set at the BRHRC
Mark Taylor at Bonny River Hard Rock Cafe

Yep, I had my stomping boots on and man, did they get a work out. I sat as everybody did with extreme anticipation and joined in with crowd's cheers, "TAY-LOR, TAY-LOR, TAY-LOR!" Taylor came out in true Taylorodian fashion with a fast paced version of Everything is going wrong (The Sexy Bax Song.) He started out and let the crowd sing the now famous opening line, 'Hey, who's that screwing the Rat?, Oh no, it's that Sexy Bax!" He never even let up and went straight to the very seasonal but appropriate Christmas in Charlotte. I was glad it wasn't snowing as I thought the roof would blow off the joint when he sang Ballad of the Big Show. I sat and waited and knew that some of the other big hits would follow and I wasn't let down. Taylor grabbed the mike a said a few words and it was back to business again. "That bastard's parents were married" with his soft melodic tone was enough to bring tears to a glass eye. Then, the short set was finished off with Hero of Husky Balls and the crowd exploded. He left for a few minutes and came back on stage. Then, without any hesitation out came "Walking by a bridge." My stomping boots took hell as did the floor. If you've never seen a Mark Taylor show, I suggest you get out of your cave and get to one.

I'm Joe Walsh, Hockey Voice Entertainment Critic.

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