Friday, December 17, 2010

Hockey Voice Exclusive

Bonny River from the granite mountain
Towards Second Falls from the old granite mountain in Bonny River
The eastern side of the Linton Stream Bridge
Bonny River, NB - Roads are opening up again and things are returning to somewhat normal conditions for many but others are not quite as fortunate. The flood was more of an inconvenience for me. While I was home since Tuesday morning, I had calls and text message from people who asked how I was doing and what they could do. I talked to the boys from Cooke's who were doing admirable work picking up people and making sure everybody was looked after. Jack MacNeil from Bonny River Ratz fame and an employee of the Dept. of Natural Resources extended his invitation of help to me and anybody who needed it. Flakeboard has offered up building materials to anybody who needs it, no questions asked. I'm sure there's plenty of people and companies who have also done likewise but these are the ones that I know about personally.
I am always amazed at the human kindness shown when people really need it. I said it many times and I'll say it again - there's always somebody out there worse off than you and if they are in Bonny River, there's people with their hands out to help.

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