Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Moffitt Named to New Post at Ratz Headquarters

Andrew Moffitt (Center) Celebrates New Job in New York

Bonny River, NB - Joe Stevens announced late Tuesday night that Andrew Moffitt has been named Director of Scouting for the Bonny River Ratz. In naming Moffitt, Stevens added, "Mr. Moffitt has demonstrated that he understands the blueprint of excellence we have developed and the type of player needed to achieve this."

Late last week, Moffitt announced he has brought in free agent Eric MacDonald and signed him to a one year deal. As Moffitt made his way through the crowded New York night club, he noted, "This is a tremendous day in my career. I look forward to the new challenges and forging new relationships with Ratz brass. This trust out in me will not be misplaced."

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