Monday, May 11, 2009

Joe Walsh Opens up Hunting Camp in Toronto

Walsh's Treestand Outside his Toronto Apartment
Walsh & "Serious Heat"

Toronto, Ontario - In hopes of capitalizing on the hot outdoors market, Joe Walsh has opened up a hunting camp in Toronto. Walsh met with reporters late Sunday and said, "Right now In have the one treestand all set up and hope to be getting more. I had a bit of a racket with the city over something stupid about putting treestands in their property. I put up my own right in the dooryard and they kiss my ass for all I care. I am the only guide right now, but if anybody from back home wants to come up and work for a few weeks, I can pay you under the table or give you stamps, whatever works. In the fall I hope to be able to offer some packages where you can come and hunt and just pick some tips to pay off your bill at the camp. I went out yesterday and got about 100 sticks to put the tips on when the time comes. Some idiot from the city was chasing me around the park on my 4 wheeler. I was gonna get off and kick his ass but I was trying to get home to see the hockey game. I'm lining up buyers for the tips right now and hope to have a place to make wreaths too. Pass the word around boys."

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