Blacks Harbour, NB - As the start of the 2009-2010 season approached, the players in the FIHL were filled with anticipation and as Sunday night got closer, a stark reality hit. The fact that Wayne Barrett would never hit the freeze with his buddies again was one that was tough to wrestle with even though many had attended his funeral or had spoke or visited with his family. To properly pay tribute to someone who was so involved with hockey was not an easy task. His family's blessing was instrumental in proceeding with it and without that, it would not have happened. Allene, Brooke and Brandon all deserve the tip of our hats to come down and endure yet another sad chapter in a book that have been full of them in the last two years.
There has been nothing but positive feedback from what the team did to show their love and appreciation for a dear friend and that means a great deal. When you plan something like this, you always have to be aware and we asked, "Is this what Wayne would want? Would Wayne approve of this? If Wayne was here and it was one of his teammates, would he be cool with this?" The answer to all three was yes in our minds.
Right down to picking a song that captured the sentiment of everybody at the rink was not easy. Going with something that is too sad and sappy or too upbeat is a fine line to walk. The lyrics, "All the good times we had, remember all the good ones, forget about all the bad," pretty say it all. As the song played and the jerseys rose, it was evident that all present who Wayne had touched were doing just that - remembering all the good times.
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