Friday, March 19, 2010

So long Courier! Taylors bids farewell

Former Courier columnist Mark Taylor

Just in case some people don't know I used to write a column in the Saint Croix Courier for many years called "Rollin' on the River." I say "used to" as I have given up the column as of today. I have many reasons why, and it really came to a head this morning when I noticed a picture and story I had written had been ignored. It was to do with the Fundy Kingfishers recent FIHL championship. I took a group photo and wrote a small story.

The new editor replied, "Mark: I simply didn’t have space for this story. I think it’s important that you realize I tend to plan quite far ahead in all aspects of the newspaper. Hence, if you have a story idea, please call me ahead of time to ensure you’re not sending something I can’t use – as is the case above. On that note, I didn’t get a column this week: have you decided to pull out of writing the column? If so, do let me know so I can plan accordingly."

The straw that broke Glen Campbell's back comes to mind here. Anybody who knows me would know that I would not take this lightly. I unleashed an e-mail to this guy and the manager outlining what I thought of the job he was doing and what I thought of this exclusion. I believe Matty Walsh of the Kingfishers is planning to send an e-mail as well to promote his views on the fact that our league, let alone his own team, was tossed to the side.

He e-mailed me back and said he realizes the story would have been well-read but didn't have a clue it was coming. I told him the next time we have a best of five series, I'd dig out my crystal ball or Ouija Board and let him know when the story would be coming.

If you read my column, thanks. I will still be right here doing my own creation and pride and joy, the Voice.

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