Monday, November 17, 2008

League Reiterates Position on Under Age Players

League Not a Home for Players Under 19 Years of Age
Blacks Harbour, NB - During the league meetings prior to the 2008-2009, a constitution was ratified for the FIHL. All members agreed it was necessary and all agreed on the content. In that document, there is a very precise ruling that deals with under age players. The league has already had to deal with one infraction and just to clarify the league's position, a follow up letter was sent to the offending team to ensure they are in compliance with the rule. Failure to adhere to the league's rule will result in further action being taken by the League Board. It is in our best interest to police ourselves and not have to be told by an outside body that we are breaking their rules.
We know of one team that has broken the league rules and we all have to be aware that if one of our players or teams does the same, they will be dealt with in the same fair and brisk manner.

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