Mike Gould Snubbed by Ratz Management Team, Wants Answers
Former Ratz Prospect Mike Gould

Pennfield, NB - The hockey season is upon us and the Ratz are causing some people some discomfort. Mike Gould sat back in his chair and said, "I had concrete offers from Taylor that I was in their 2008-2009 plans and now I read in the The Hockey Voice they have their team picked and finalized and guess what? My name is not mentioned. I have e-mails from Taylor that state I had a spot if I wanted it. Not only are my feelings hurt, I think this sort of stuff is bush league at the very least. I want some answers and I want them now."
All calls to Ratz Headquarters were unanswered, but a recorded message said, "If you're calling about the Chris Richardson thing, press 1. If you're calling about the Mike Gould thing, press 2."
When 2 was pressed, the message stated, "Although we at Ratz Headquarters sympathize with Mr. Gould's plight, we in no way feel we owe him anything. We continue to wish him all the best in his future endeavours and love, peace and hair grease."
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