Friday, December 19, 2008

Ratz Invite Dugas to Camp on Magaguadavic River

Dugas: "Let's Spread out a Bit Boys...."
Former Ratz Goalie Andrew Dugas last Saturday in Bonny River

Ratz Captain Joe Stevens Barks out Orders at Work-Out

Bonny River, NB - Andrew Dugas arrived on the Magaguadavic River last Saturday under the radar. He said, "Not a lot of people know about this, Not a lot of people know the river is safe too. I told them to spread out a bit and not bunch up a lot. I'm here to play hockey, not water polo."
Meanwhile, team captain Joe Stevens said, "The Ratz and Dugas have had their differences. He wanted to party, we wanted to play hockey but that's all in the past. I say let's sit down and drink 24 and forget about it."

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