Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa Cunny Sounds Off Again

Santa Cunny Shutting Stuff Down
Santa Cunny
North Pole, NB - "Ya can't be an idiot all year long and expect Santa Cunny to bring you anything. It don't work that way, boys. I see you when you're sleeping. I see you when you got your head down."
"I was trying to get an enforcer for the Ratz but seems that it's not on their list anymore. I tell ya, if Stevens and the rest of them don't start sticking up for the elite players, I'm getting them all some new ball-sacks. Quit painting your frigging toenails and play some hockey!"
"What in hell is Harris and Mahar eating? Matty Walsh has asked that I bring them some Slim Fast. Geez, has Midland got a truck going to Blacks anytime soon? I ain't got that much room on my sled."
"Josh Bagley, that seeing eye dog of yours better not try to piss on my sled this year and tell him to quit humping my leg. I wonder where he picked up them habits?"

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