Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Who is in Charge at Kingfishers Headquarters?

Harris Dishes out Discipline, Walsh Quiet
Jamie Harris Partying Tuesday Night

Blacks Harbour, NB - Despite being on top, acting team GM Jamie Harris decided to shake up the club Wednesday. He called out two players for missing an important game Monday night in St. Andrews and suspended Chris Hoffman for behaviour he deemed to be "detrimental to the welfare of the team."

Harris sent an e-mail that the Hockey Voice obtained Tuesday that mentioned the missing player's outside activities involving chicken wings, Chinese buffet, boozing and womanizing. Yet Harris is quick to dispel rumours he is concerned about the drinking on the team. He said, "No, the boys know when to say when and that's important. Hoffman's suspension has nothing to do with booze either. I just thought it was getting late in the season and the focus isn't there. He may not be the last either. I'm gonna drive the car now for awhile and Walsh can sit in the back seat and make faces and wave. Make no mistake. I am in charge."

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